
object Companion


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Adds another test, and potentially another error, to a Validation.

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fun <T> error(storedVal: T, error: String): ValidationResult<T>

Create a validation result with this if there was a problem during validation.

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fun <T> mapDataResult(result: DataResult<T>): ValidationResult<T?>

Converts a DataResult into a ValidationResult with no fallback

fun <T> mapDataResult(result: DataResult<T>, fallback: T): ValidationResult<T>

Converts a DataResult into a ValidationResult

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fun <T> predicated(storedVal: T, valid: Boolean, error: String): ValidationResult<T>

Convenience shortcut for creating a success or error depending on a boolean state.

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reports error, if any, to a provided reporter (such as a logger)

reports error, if any, to a provided string list

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fun <T> success(storedVal: T): ValidationResult<T>

Creates a successful validation result.

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Creates a new ValidationResult of type T wrapping the new value with the error(if any) from the receiver ValdiationResult (of any type, does not need to match T)